Join the Silent Adventures Family

Sign up to become part of the official family and get access to discounts, invites to our preview shows and first dibs on special event tickets. We’ll also keep you in the loop from time to time with what we have going on. Don’t worry, it’s free and you can unsubscribe at any time you wish.
Up for also joining our Guinea Pig Feedback Team? We’re looking for people to attend some of our new trial shows and staff training tours to give us feedback before releasing them into the wild! Team members will receive sporadic invites and we’d kindly ask those that choose to attend a tour to give us a little constructive feedback.

Join up here

Latest from the blog…
Put A ‘Silent Disco’ Spring In Your Step
Say goodbye to winter and hello spring the most unique and fun way. Grab all your friends and [...]
Our Silent Disco Gurus in Dublin Tie The Knot!
Love is in the air at Silent Adventures Dublin. Dublin Silent Disco tour hosts, Gary & Nara got [...]
Meet The Dublin Silent Disco Team
Gary and Nara took over Silent Adventures Dublin in 2022. With a combined 35 years in performing we [...]
Join The Silent Team…
We’re always on the lookout for more people to join our splendid team of silent warriors in Dublin. If you’re outgoing, energetic and think you have what it takes to help out or even host a tour, then we’d love to hear from you. Click on the button below and fill out a short form to get things started…
We’re especially looking to train up hosts for tours opening across new cities – think you have what it takes?